EASE Consultant Group
We are the EASE Consultant Group. EASE stands for Everyday Arts for Special Education. We design professional development and skill-building programs for any adults who work with and support the needs of diverse learners. These adults include classroom staff and educators, parents and caregivers, and hospital, adult care and home care staff. Our program offers these adults a methodology that will build socialization, communication and academic skills in their neurodiverse learners of all ages.

Through hands-on support and coaching, both in-person and virtually, we create project-based activities for interacting with richly neurodiverse populations, centering empathy and choice-making. The fuel of these activities is the arts, a universal engine for human engagement. Through visual arts, music, dance, and movement activities, we find it possible to activate all five senses, invite our students to explore materials and their environment, and discover new relationships with the world and each other. They learn by making, building, moving, dancing, and singing! Our methodology encourages our students to see their environment as their studio, a space in which their physical, emotional, cognitive and social selves can be safe and happy.
EASE arts-based activities and methodology have been backed by several US Dept. of Education Federal research grants, which have shown significantly positive impact on social-emotional and academic development for neurodiverse learners.
Research has shown that adult participants in our professional development workshops understand and incorporate new ways to support their diverse learners. These learners become more able to navigate and regulate themselves in all environments, with joy, excitement and with their innate curiosities.